Dr. Delilah Joiner Martin
Dr. Delilah Joiner Martin
Ed.D, 2003, Oklahoma State University
M.Ed., 1987, University of Central Oklahoma
B.A., 1981, Southern Nazarene University
I have worked with SNU for most of my adult professional life. Through the years, I have held various positions and been blessed to have learned much from colleagues and learners alike. I have been provided immeasurable opportunities and have made many cherished memories. In many respects, higher education and SNU has truly become my home away from home. I believe that the gift of working in higher education has certainly been a worthwhile place for me to invest a full measure of my life. In my world away from SNU, one will find a loving husband, grown children, grandchildren, extended family, and many precious friends.
There is a thought that I treasure that has influenced me deeply by John Wesley. Wesley is attributed to having cultivated the idea of faith-mentoring pairs and twin souls in relation to the spiritual journey. It has been written that John Wesley “discovered what Italian author Lucian de Crescenzo knew: ‘We are, each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly embracing each other'” (Tracy, 2003, p. 19). In our mission in higher education, we have the privilege and great honor to come along side our adult learners for only a short season but it is my earnest prayer that in our season together, we will help our learners find their other wing and be provided the opportunity to fly.
Hobbies or Fun Fact:
- I enjoy writing, talking to groups, and I’m currently taking a writing course, Your Story Matters, with author, Leslie, Leyland Fields, in preparation for writing and publishing my own work.
- I’ve actually trained and ran a half-marathon at Disney World with one of my daughters
- I’ve documented having walked over 7,900 miles. I use this time of walking as my prayer time.
- Each year as a family, we celebrate one of my daughter’s birthdays, with a special project with Mercy Hospital by giving out huge baby baskets filled with all kinds of baby items to the families of babies born on her July 22 birthday!
- I love traveling going on adventures with friends and family, making memories, and sharing life.